Trusted by schools and districts of all sizes

Easy Integrations:
Multiply your tech investment

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"One Stop Shop for Teachers"

Blake Schmidt - 7th & 8th Grade Math Teacher

How teachers use Kiddom and Open Up Resources

The Perfect Fit For Your Lessons & Students

Host virtual classroom sessions 1:1 or in groups via audio, video, and screen sharing.

Build and share interactive lessons & assignments students can access from their laptop or phone.

Mass-assign projects and automatically generate documents for each student.

Allow for student-centered discussion with class group chats. Share lesson materials and instructions in just a few clicks.

Simple Grading & Real-Time Assignment Data

Digital question types that allow for automatic grading and quick feedback.

Record audio/video instructions and feedback without having to leave the platform.

Easily log in and check performance reports by student and class.

Grade assignments with rubrics that students can see. More data than the simple letter grades.

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See Why Teachers Love Kiddom

When we first got introduced to Kiddom, I was so elated. It gives students the ability to use their digital native skills—something that is sometimes foreign to me, is an afterthought for them. Kiddom is change in education; it’s helping us ensure that students are prepared for the 21st century.

Katie Richer 
Math & Science Teacher @ ECO

© 2025 Kiddom, Inc 

Kiddom is trusted by schools and districts of all sizes

Help teachers incorporate new technology into existing systems and familiar processes.

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Learn more about Kiddom Rostering and Integrations

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Not every company and platform is willing to understand that you're real humans with real challenges, so we really appreciate that.

- Steph Layson, High School Principal, Catalyst Public Schools

Managing and navigating multiple systems and programs can get in the way of what is most important: teaching and learning. At Kiddom, we do everything we can to unlock the potential that enables high-quality learning experiences and removes technical barriers and obstacles for educators and students.

Rostering and Accessing Kiddom
Kiddom integrates with various providers and platforms to offer secure, automated rostering and enrollment methods. Additionally, Kiddom is proud to offer single sign-on through various platforms and pathways. Our rostering partners include Clever, ClassLink, EdLink, Schoology, Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, Canvas, and more.

Learn more about auto-rostering with Kiddom →

Assignment and Grade Passback
Passing assignments and grades back to any system requires rostering through Edlink.

Rosters Users (Educators and Students)



Kiddom is 1EdTech Certified and works with OneRoster® to support ClassLinks rostering, EdLink rostering, and SSO.

Kiddom Rostering and Integration Partners

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact us

What is rostering? 
Rostering is the process of creating and managing student and educator accounts through secure data-sharing.

What if I don’t have a rostering program? How else can I add accounts?
You can create individual accounts within the platform or you can use a .csv to bulk upload accounts.

Can I combine integrations?
To enable assignment and grade passback to a specific platform, such as Schoology, rostering must be done directly through that platform. For example, if grade passback to Schoology is required, rostering must occur via Schoology rather than through another source like Clever.

We use a different SIS or LMS that isn’t on this list, now what?
You can see a full list of vendors that integrate with Edlink here. If your SIS or LMS is not on the list, please reach out to your Kiddom Account Executive or Customer Success Manager to discuss additional options such as a custom integration.

What are the benefits of auto-rostering?
When using an 
auto-rostering method, districts will not need to manage updating rosters in multiple places. Any time a teacher or student is updated or changed in a district system like Clever, the change is automatically made in Kiddom at the next information sync (typically, a nightly update). Important to note: If someone manually makes a change in Kiddom (like adding a teacher to a class, or moving a student to a new class) that isn’t in Clever, the update will be undone with the next Clever sync.

In my district, who should be involved with integration setups?
To get started, we'll set up a call to discuss with your SIS (Student Information System) Administrator, IMS (Identity Management System) Administrator, and LMS (Learning Management System) Administrator. Oftentimes, the same person at the district has all of these administrative roles. Integrations can be set up quickly once all parties have connected. If custom integration work is needed, we will partner with the district system administrator(s) to properly enable teachers and students. This may take some additional time to set up.

What is Edlink and how does it work?
Edlink is a 3rd party that builds integrations. We partner with Edlink to connect Kiddom with a wide variety of other ed-tech tools. Once you have approved Kiddom and other LMS and SIS tools you use, then Edlink provides the integration (or connections) between Kiddom and your other tools.

If we roster one way but want to manage differently later, can we turn off our integration?
Yes. Integrations can be disabled at any time. Disabling an integration does not delete the rostering that has already occurred; it just does not update it further.

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